Schulz on reported Russian blacklist of European politicians and officials

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 30 mei 2015.

"I am dismayed by reports concerning a Russian blacklist of European politicians and officials which, over and above, includes a large number of prominent and high-ranking Members of the European Parliament. It is unacceptable that this further diminishes mutual trust and hampers any efforts for constructive dialogue to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the current geopolitical crisis.

Despite my numerous previous official requests to the Russian authorities to make the blacklist public and communicate the clear reasons why each individual has been included there, our Members have been repeatedly stopped at the border and the European Parliament has not been officially notified which of its Members are being targeted by the sanctions.

I once again call on the Russian authorities to ensure transparency of their decisions, in line with international law and legal obligations, allowing the targeted individuals the right of defence and of appeal.

On Monday I will again speak to Russia's Ambassador to the EU, and in case of unsatisfactory answers I reserve the right to take appropriate measures in response."