Changing working conditions in Europe: Moving towards better work, Brussel

József Antall-gebouw; (c) Atelier de Genval- Cerau - M. Van Campenhout, - Tractebel dev s.a. et ingénieurs associés
(c) Atelier de Genval- Cerau - M. Van Campenhout, - Tractebel dev s.a. et ingénieurs associés

17-11-2016 - Changing working conditions in Europe: Moving towards better work

EMPL 15-11-2016 - 11:02


Organised jointly with Eurofound and the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, this conference will be an opportunity to present Eurofound’s sixth European Working Conditions Survey, providing fresh evidence to illuminate job quality and the working lives of Europeans at work and beyond. In particular, the survey maps changes in work over time, setting out the first comprehensive image of job quality in Europe since the Great Recession.

Its aim is to help policymakers improve working conditionsand share evidence on people's everyday scenarios at work. This latest editionof the survey covers 35 European countries (EU-28 and Norway, Switzerland, Albania,FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey) and examines issues ranging from work-relatedphysical and psychosocial risks, working time and work organisation todeveloping skills at work and lifelong learning, work-life balance, work andgender and health and well-being. Among the contributors to the event arerepresentatives of the European Commission, EU-OSHA, ILO, OECD, EMCO, EESC andEU social partners. The EMPL committee Chair, Thomas Händel and Vice-Chair,Marita Ulvskog as well as other EMPL Members Claude Rolin, Georgi Pirinski,Marian Harkin, Ole Christensen, Tatjana Ždanoka will participate in this jointConference.

Location : JAN 2Q2

Inhoudsopgave van deze pagina:


EP-Commissie Werkgelegenheid en sociale zaken (EMPL)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich onder meer bezig met het werkgelegenheidsbeleid en sociaal beleid (waaronder arbeidsomstandigheden en sociale zekerheid), het beleid voor beroepsopleidingen en het vrije verkeer van werknemers.


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