End of term statement by Parliament’s President Martin Schulz

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 december 2016, 12:48.

Martin Schulz summed up his five years as European Parliament President in a statement to the House on Wednesday.

Mr Schulz said “it was my goal to make the European Parliament more visible, more audible and more influential. Five years later, I can say that together we have achieved this: today the Parliament is more visible, more audible and more influential than ever.”

He nonetheless warned that “this very transnational democracy is in great danger today. Everywhere on our continent, dividers and ultranationalists are on the rise again. “

Debate: Wednesday, 14 December

Procedure: Statement by the President

REF. : 20161209IPR55524