Nieuwe EU-missie om terrorisme in Sahel-regio te bestrijden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 16 juli 2012.


Brussels, 16 July 2012 PRESSE 305

Green light for civilian CSDP mission to assist in fighting terrorism in the Sahel

The Council today gave the green light for a new Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) mission to support the fight against organised crime and terrorism in the Sahel region: EUCAP SAHEL Niger. Today's decision creates the legal basis for the mission, which is to kick off in August

The civilian mission is part of the EU strategy for security and development in the Sahel and responds to an invitation from the Nigerien government. Activities will initially focus on Niger, but could be extended to Mali and Mauritania at a later stage

EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said: "Increased terrorist activity and the consequences of the conflict in Libya have dramatically heightened insecurity in the Sahel. The new mission will contribute to strengthening local capacity in fighting terrorism and organised crime. European experts will train the Nigerien security forces to improve their control of the territory and regional cooperation."

The mission will in particular advise the different Nigerien security actors on the implementation of their security strategy, support regional coordination in the fight against terrorism and organised crime and assist in developing a penal process based on the rule of law. The mission will also contribute to identifying projects in the security field that could be financed from EU assistance. It will not have any executive tasks

EUCAP SAHEL Niger is initially due to last for two years. A team of around 50 international and 30 local staff will be based in the headquarters of the mission in Niamey (Niger), with liaison officers in Bamako (Mali) and Nouakchott (Mauritania). .For the first year, a budget of EUR 8.7 million has been allocated

The EU strategy for security and development in the Sahel, of which the mission is part, focuses initially on Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Algeria. It encompasses political, humanitarian, development dimensions and a strong security component

Read factsheet and see mission website