Weekly Overview for 16-22 January

Met dank overgenomen van Maltees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2017 (EU2017MT) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 13 januari 2017, 16:36.

A selection of events taking place this week in connection with the EU Presidency

Page Content

16 - 19 January: European Parliament Plenary (Strasbourg)

Read more here.

16 January: Foreign Affairs Council (FAC)

The FAC will touch upon a number of issues: Developments in Syria, specifically the EU’s role in supporting a full ceasefire and a genuine political transition in Syria. The Middle East peace process following the adoption of resolution 2334 (2016) by the UN Security Council. The presidential elections and formation of a new government in Lebanon.

16 - 17 January: Forum on Leadership Policy for Equity & Learning; Take it to the Student

In collaboration with the European Policy Network on School Leadership, the Ministry for Education and Employment is holding a forum on school leadership. The aim is to focus on equity, social justice and inclusivity through key note presentations, round-table colloquia and breakout sessions. Policy makers, academics and practitioners will work together with students and parents to discuss these themes effectively.

16 January: The Official Opening Ceremony of the Maltese Presidency of the Council (Brussels)

Opening the 2017 Presidency of the Council of the European Union in Brussels will be a memorable concert by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Brian Schembri, in collaboration with world-renowned Maltese Tenor, Joseph Calleja.

17 January: Meeting of EU Directors General

The aim of this meeting is to present and discuss the Maltese Presidency Priorities and to debate the developments on the delivery and implementation of various solutions agreed upon at the EU level.

19 - 20 January: Maltese Presidency Workshop on Climate Change​

The main goal of this informal Workshop is to initiate preparations leading to a coordinated EU position for negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

19 - 20 January: The State of Digital Education: Engaging with Connected, Blended and Open Learning

The Ministry for Education and Employment will host a conference to discuss the interconnected themes underpinning 21st Century education frameworks with a special emphasis on the digital aspect. This event will be live-streamed on our website.

Full overview​

The complete overview can be viewed in the events section of EU2017MT website.