Buzek blij met vorming regering Letland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 25 oktober 2011.

The President of the European Parliament has welcomed formation of new government in Latvia with Valdis Dombrovskis i continuing as Prime Minister.

EP President Jerzy Buzek i said:

"I congratulate Latvia in forming a new government under the continued leadership of Valdis Dombrovskis. I am confident that that the new Latvian government will continue the successful economic recovery policy and will remain fully committed to the fundamental values of the European Union, including respect for minority rights, non-discrimination and tolerance.

I truly admire what Latvia has achieved in such a short time. In only two years, Latvians have changed their country tremendously. Latvia has managed to overcome the deepest recession an EU Member State had ever had to face. The resilience and determination of all Latvians to support hard but necessary austerity measures and return to sustainable economic growth serves today as example for other Member States."


  • Richard Freedman

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