Buzek over aanpak Eurocrisis: structurele hervormingen zijn noodzakelijk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 oktober 2011.

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek i made the following statement on the results of the 26 October euro zone summit and following a debate in the Parliament:

"The agreed measures inspire hope that the sovereign debt crisis will be contained and another recession avoided. However, crucial, technical details should be agreed as soon as possible. I welcome the decisions taken.

The agreed package offers a chance of a fresh start for the Greek economy. But Greece must seize the momentum and push ahead with measures to stabilise its public finances and step up structural reforms aimed at returning to economic growth.

The euro zone and the whole EU needs to pursue vigorously a pro-growth agenda that should include removing the bottle-necks in the single market and other obstacles to boost competitiveness.

Austerity measures alone are unlikely to bring public finances to long-term health in the absence of economic growth.

The agreed recapitalisation of banks is a right measure to shore up the sector which now will contribute more to reducing Greek debt. The plan seems to be designed well to bolster the confidence in the sector, which is crucial for boosting credit. A strong banking sector is indispensable for growth and job creation.

The optimisation of the European Financial Stability Facility paves the way for creating strong firewalls around countries that have been threatened with debt crisis contagion.

The European Parliament will follow closely the work on strengthening of fiscal coordination, improving the governance of the euro area and on possible steps towards a closer economic union. The Parliament expects to be informed about the progress of the work. It will actively contribute to all debates on treaty changes.

The Parliament believes that a new economic governance architecture for the euro zone should be firmly anchored in EU institutions. I would like to stress that the European Parliament is the legislature for both the euro zone and the wider EU.

I strongly support President Van Rompuy's commitment in the European Parliament today to keep the two configurations of the European Council and the new Euro Summit 'as close as possible, in a spirit of trust'. His desire to ensure that Euro Summits follow, rather than precede, meetings of the European Council is also most welcome.

Another important commitment made today is the promise by Jose Manual Barroso to propose co-decision legislation, under Article 136 TFEU, to link the Commission's surveillance with the operation of the EFSF and to make the facility more consistent with the Community method. I also welcome his intention to come forward with communications on the external representation of the euro and the possible introduction of eurobonds.

I would also like to recall the views of European citizens, who despite the increase of euroscepticism in some countries are in favour of a coordinated answer to the crisis from the member states at the EU level.

Our Eurobarometer survey shows the citizens are ready to share a part of the sovereign debt of the Member States, provided it is accompanied by a greater budgetary convergence and a respect of the rules by all Member States.

In a majority of Member States, citizens also think that financial solidarity should play a role for the Member States facing wide-scale economic and financial difficulties."

Note to Editors:


The EP and the expectations of European citizens - Eurobarometer survey


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