EP president Buzek feliciteert Michael D. Higgins met winnen Ierse presidentsverkiezingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 29 oktober 2011.

Commenting on the results of the 2011 presidential elections in Ireland, the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek stated:

"I congratulate Michael D. Higgins on winning the presidential elections and becoming the ninth President of Ireland.

The Irish people have chosen a President with a long and dedicated record of public service and a deep understanding of Ireland's history, culture and place in Europe and the world. The themes of his campaign - inclusion, ideas and transformation - are particularly apt to Ireland's current situation.

In these difficult economic times, the role of the Head of State is especially important for identifying with the people in the daily challenges they face, and inspiring self-belief.

Ireland has always been at the heart of the European project and close cooperation with European partners has never been more central as we work together to bring about economic recovery across the EU, and also ahead of the Irish presidency of the Council of the EU in 2013.

The Irish people have faced the difficult fiscal and economic measures with courage. It is heartening to see that fresh economic growth is on its way, in large part due to the resilience and dynamism of the Irish people."


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