Buzek herdenkt slachtoffers Srebrenica (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 5 november 2011.

The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek i, visited Srebrenica today in conclusion of his official trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina. He said in memory of the genocide victims:

"On behalf of the European Parliament, I would like to pay homage to the victims of the Srebrenica genocide. I express my sympathy to the families of those executed. Many people are still living without certainty about the fate of their fathers, sons, husbands or brothers.

This was one of the most horrific crimes in Europe's recent history. Remembering the atrocity, we must make sure it will never be repeated. This is why reconciliation is vital, as much as bringing the responsible for the massacre to justice.

The arrest of Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadžic is only a small solace to the families and friends of the 8,000 Bosnian men and boys killed 16 years ago.

Reconciliation is a fundamental European value. It is important that people of all ethnic groups, religions and nationalities overcome the tensions of the past and begin a peaceful coexistence to achieve stability and prosperity.

We commemorate and honour all the victims of the atrocities during the wars in the former Yugoslavia. Never again!"

Note to editors:

TV footage of the visit of the President will be available in broadcast and web quality on Europe by Satellite at the following link:


Photos will be available for download at the following link:



  • Marcin Grajewski

    Press Team Leader

    Mobile: +32 498 981 550

  • Giacomo Fassina

    GSM: +32 498 98 33 10