EP President Buzek verwelkomt benoeming Monti (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op zondag 13 november 2011.

The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek made the following remarks on Mario Monti's designation to form a government of national unity in Italy:

"I welcome the decision of the Italian Parliament to pass the tough set of austerity measures and structural reforms.

The changes in Italy give renewed belief that Italy will restore its financial credibility and return to solid economic growth. I am confident that Italy will take all the necessary measures to overcome the debt crisis.

Silvio Berlusconi pushed through this economic package in Italy. A new government, once in place, will be able to build on these reforms that will give a boost to the euro and new hope for Italy.

Mario Monti has all the right attributes to form a new government of national unity in Italy in these times of crisis, his wide experience, including as European Commissioner, and broad support will serve Italy and Europe well.

Times of crisis are times of increased responsibility. Europe and the markets can trust him. Mario Monti's previous experience is the best recommendation that he will undertake the necessary reforms."


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