EP-voorzitter Buzek feliciteert Spaans partijleider Rajoy met verkiezingsoverwinning (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op zondag 20 november 2011.

European Parliament President, Jerzy Buzek i, has congratulated Mariano Rajoy, the leader of Partido Popular, on his election victory in Spain.

EP President Jerzy Buzek said: "I warmly congratulate Mariano Rajoy for a landslide victory in Spanish general elections.

Spain is at a historic crossroad. In this respect, I would like to hereby convey my support and solidarity for the far-reaching reforms Spain will embark upon to tackle unemployment, reach fiscal stability and regain competitiveness and sustainable growth. Determination and endurance will be of paramount importance to give a clear signal to the stability of the markets.

Mr Rajoy is an experienced and competent politician. I am confident that he will put all his efforts to redress the current economic situation and put Spain back on the path of economic growth. It is time now for unity and determination. I look forward to working closely with the new Spanish government."


  • Robert A. Golanski


    Mobile: +32 475 751 663

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