Verklaring EP-voorzitter Buzek over de situatie in Egypte (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op maandag 21 november 2011.

The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek i, made the following statement on the violent clashes in Egypt ahead of the legislative elections in the country:

"I condemn the brutal use of force by the Egyptian security forces against demonstrators, particularly those protesting on the Tahrir Square. My thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims.

Egyptian authorities must respect the right of the people, political parties and civic movements to express their criticism of certain reforms and to demand a faster pace of change. Their intimidation is unacceptable, be it by violent repression against demonstrators, military trials or by unjustified, legal pressure on media, civil society organisations and NGOs. It puts authorities' legitimacy and commitment to genuine, inclusive dialogue in question.

The legislative elections, which will start next week, are an important step in the democratisation of the country. They must fulfil Egyptians' aspiration for true change. The Military Council, which vowed to defend the Egyptian people and their revolution, must be ready to transfer its political power to democratically elected, civilian authorities as the transition proceeds.

We regret that the authorities did not choose to invite the EU to send an election observation mission. Yet the European Parliament will closely follow the electoral process, with the deep hope that it will be, peaceful, fair and transparent.

The Egyptian people have regained their dignity in the Arab Spring. Their continued determination and engagement in the affairs of their own country are a reflection of a true civic spirit. The authorities must seek to use it, not stamp it out. The welfare of Egypt and the welfare of its people, standing united, depend on it."


  • Marcin Grajewski

    Press Team Leader

    Mobile: +32 498 981 550