Buzek over aanhouding Egyptische journaliste Mona Eltahawy (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 24 november 2011.

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek i commented on the news of the arrest and detention of Mona Eltahawy, Egyptian journalist advocating democracy in her country.

EP President Jerzy Buzek said:

"If the reports are confirmed that Mona Eltahawy was arrested and beaten by the Egyptian security forces it is deeply shocking and deeply saddens me. I demand that the Egyptian authorities immediately release her and all others who have suffered the same unacceptable treatment.

It was only yesterday evening when we all listened to Mona's live reports from Cairo. Mona was one of the participants of the EP's Human Rights High Level Conference on Women's role in democratic transition.

I am even more appalled because yesterday Mona explained that she did not feel in danger on the streets of Cairo. Ms Eltahawy made an appeal that the Egyptian revolution should not be stolen by the military.

The Supreme Council of Armed Forces in Egypt must respect the right of the people to express their demands and aspirations. It is unacceptable that they are met by a brutal response of bullets, tear gas, arrests and beatings. This must end.

As I have said before on so many occasions, the Egyptian people have regained their dignity in the Arab Spring. Their continued determination and engagement in the affairs of their own country are a reflection of a true civic spirit. The authorities must seek to use it, not stamp it out. The welfare of Egypt and the welfare of its people, standing united, depend on it."


  • Robert A. Golanski


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