Ierland formuleert prioriteiten voor komend EU-voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 2 december 2003, 8:48.
Auteur: Marit Ruuda

Ireland is planning huge celebrations to mark the enlargement of the EU during its forthcoming presidency of the union, announced Europe minister Dick Roche yesterday.

The first priority for Ireland will be enlargement. "And we want to celebrate that", said Mr Roche according to the Irish Independent.

"We want to have the celebration out there on the streets, we want to have the people of Dublin, the people of Ireland, share the sense of history we will be creating in Europe", the Irish Europe minister said.

"This should be a celebration for the people, not for the men in suits", added Mr Roche.

The enlargement party will take place on 1 May, when Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has invited the heads of state to attend the party in Dublin.

The real celebration however, will take place throughout Ireland.

But one of the highlights of the forthcoming Irish presidency will also be the EU-US summit, which the US President George Bush is expected to attend.

The EU-US summit will be held towards the end of Ireland's six-month term. Asked about security concerns, Mr Roche said the country had a responsibility to fulfil its role as EU host.

Irish priorities also include strengthening EU relations with the UN, damaged by the war in Iraq.

Ireland takes over the presidency of the European Union from Italy on 1 January 2004.

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