Frankrijk en Duitsland gaan uit van Grondwet in juni (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 9 februari 2004, 17:33.
Auteur: Honor Mahony

Germany and France have called for an agreement on the EU Constitution by the end of June.

"We wish for an accord on the European constitution in June under the Irish [EU]presidency," French President Jacques Chirac told a joint press conference on Monday (9 February).

"If that is not possible, then there has to be an agreement under the Dutch presidency" he added.

"We believe the constitutional process must draw to a close and we hope it will come under the Irish presidency, but not at any price," said Chancellor Gerhard Schröder.

The Irish EU Presidency is in place until the end of June; they will be succeeded by the Dutch who will be at the EU helm until the end of the year.

Their comments come ahead of a meeting between Germany, France and the UK next week (18 February) - where the treaty blueprint is also up for discussion.

They also signal a general positive shift in the nature of public statements about the Constitution - which failed last year due to disagreement over the proposed new voting system.

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