Finse ex-president Lipponen is kandidaat om nieuwe Europese Commissie te leiden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 4 maart 2004, 9:51.
Auteur: Honor Mahony

Paavo Lipponen, the former Finnish President, has for the first time admitted that he is interested in the post of Commission President.

In an interview with FT Deutschland, Mr Lipponen said "I am interested in [the post]".

However, as a social democrat he is aware that his candidature is likely to be determined by the outcome of the European Parliament elections in June.

The leader of the European People's Party - the biggest group in the Parliament - has repeatedly insisted that if the EPP gain the most seats this year then the Commission President should be someone from their political ranks.

Speaking to the Financial Times, Hans-Gert Pöttering said possible candidates include Luxembourg prime minister Jean-Claude Juncker, Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel, former Belgian premier Jean-Luc Dehaene and Transport Commissioner Loyola de Palacio.

Although it is one of the hot topics, actual talks on who should follow in Romano Prodi's footsteps are likely only to begin in April - after the Spring Summit.

EU leaders will formally nominate a candidate at the European Council in June - which can then be accepted or rejected by the European Parliament.

If they reject the nomination, member states have to come up with another proposal.

Mr Prodi's Commission runs until the end of October.

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