Pat Cox kandidaat voor opvolging Prodi (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 21 mei 2004, 9:15.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Out-going President of the European Parliament Pat Cox received one of Europe's most prestigious prizes on Thursday (20 May).

Mr Cox, who is finishing his two and a half year reign as the head of the European assembly, was awarded the Charlemagne prize for his contribution to peace and unity in Europe.

The prize committee said the Irishman won the prize in "recognition of the pioneering role played by the European Parliament in a critical phase in the development of Europe and also of his outstanding personal contribution in bringing about the enlargement of the Union".

Mr Cox was a passionate supporter of EU enlargement which took place on 1 May and visited the new member states to campaign for a yes vote in their referendums on EU membership.

His term as president, where he was often outspoken, also helped to raise the profile of the European Parliament considerably.

Commission President?

The former TV journalist is now trying for the post of European Commission President - something that has to be decided upon next month by EU leaders.

Speaking on Irish radio earlier this week, Mr Cox said: "As I understand it, in terms of various names being speculated upon -- and there's quite a large list of names -- my own name is there but, as you well know, it's not the only one".

In his acceptance speech in Aachen on Thursday, he said the next Commission, which starts in November, should "concentrate on essentials and focus on delivery".

Previous winners of the Charlemagne prize include UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, former US President Bill Clinton and former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing.

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