Chirac overweegt een referendum over EU-grondwet op korte termijn (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 3 december 2004, 9:49.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

Following the strong vote in favour of the European Constitution by French Socialists, President Jacques Chirac is considering holding a national poll on the Treaty earlier than expected.

According to French daily Le Monde, the President wants to capitalise on the political momentum brought about by the Socialist vote.

"The quicker the better", said a minister close to President Chirac.

The referendum will be in Spring according to officials close to the President and it is just a case of deciding whether it will be April or May, reports the newspaper.

The Socialist referendum, which took place on Wednesday, saw the 'yes' camp receive 58 percent of the vote, while the "no" camp got 42 percent - with a very high turnout.

Of the 102 Socialist regional federations, only 26 voted against the Constitution.

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