Chirac: referendum over EU-grondwet 'voor de zomer' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 3 januari 2005, 8:39.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

French President Jacques Chirac has said that his country will have a referendum on the European Constitution before the summer.

"I have decided that the European Constitution will be submitted to you by referendum before the summer", said Mr Chirac in a televised New Year's address.

"You, the sovereign people, will be called on to choose your own destiny."

The French president, who had previously suggested the referendum would be in the second half of 2005, said approving the Constitution would "allow Europe to be more democratic, more determined and more powerful".

The likelihood of France saying yes to the new EU treaty were boosted last month when French Socialists voted in favour of the Constitution in an internal vote.

However, President Chirac has expressed concern in the past that the issue becomes entangled with the EU's decision to open membership negotiations with Turkey in October 2005.

The French public is largely sceptical about Turkish EU membership.

In order for the Constitution to come into force, all 25 member states must ratify it - either by referendum or via the national parliament.

So far, Lithuania and Hungary have ratified the text, while Spain is set to be the first to have a referendum, on 20 February.

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