Steun voor EU-grondwet kalft af in Frankrijk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 12 januari 2005, 9:13.
Auteur: | By Honor Mahony

The gap between a yes and a no vote is declining in France, recent polls have shown.

Although there is still strong support in favour of the Constitution, it appears that the gap is closing.

Supporters of the new Treaty are getting concerned, according to French daily Le Monde.

A poll by Ipsos in December produced 57 percent in favour of a yes and 43 percent in favour of a no.

However, a poll by the same company in September produced a result of 64-36 in favour of the Constitution.

Support is dropping particularly from the right, according to Ipsos.

However, Le Monde notes that not all polls show this trend. A poll by TNS-Sofres in November put the yes vote at 68 percent and the no vote at 32 percent. In September, the figures were 65 percent and 35 percent.

France is expected to have a referendum on the Constitution before the summer - possibly in May.

All 25 member states need to ratify the document, either by referendum or via their national parliaments, in order for it to come into force.

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