Chirac gaat EU-grondwet verdedigen in tv-debat (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 31 maart 2005, 17:40.
Auteur: | By Elitsa Vucheva

With the number of French citizens saying they plan to vote against the EU Constitution on the rise, President Jacques Chirac has decided to personally enter the fray to campaign for a yes vote.

Mr Chirac's office said on Thursday that the president is to debate the EU charter on prime TV with 60 young people on 7 April at 20h50.

The president's move follows pressure from the yes camp for him to intervene personally in favour of the Constitution after five consecutive polls have shown a rise in the number of people hostile to the EU Constitution in France.

Just last week, the president had said that he would address the French on the referendum "when the time comes" and explain why France had "nothing to lose and everything to win" with the Constitution.

The centre-right parties in France have welcomed the president's decision to take an active part in the "yes" campaign as many believe he could influence undecided voters to vote in favour.

Education minister François Fillon said that Mr Chirac "could carry the decision".

On the other hand, members of the Socialist Party have expressed worries that too strong an involvement by Mr Chirac may have negative consequences - particularly as some citizens want to use the referendum to show their discontent towards the government.

A mistake?

To ratify a treaty in France, the President can choose between a referendum and a vote by the Parliament. However, the country has a strong tradition of holding referendums.

Following the negative results of recent opinion polls, former minister and supporter of the EU Constitution Socialist Jack Lang, said that organising a referendum on such an issue was "a mistake".

President Chirac defended his decision last week saying that "a referendum as such is a democratic approach".

The French referendum on the EU Constitution will be held on 29 May.

A rejection of the Constitution by France - a founding member of the European Union - would be a huge political embarrassment for Mr Chirac and would plunge the Union into political crisis.

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