EU bepaalt standpunt over import Amerikaans gen-maïs (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 april 2005, 18:35.
Auteur: | By Filipe Rufino

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission has hinted that it will not block US imports of GMO crushed maize in connection with fears of BT10 contamination.

But the college is mulling over measures such as ensuring that each shipment is accompanied by an analyst's report from a certified laboratory, guaranteeing it is free of unauthorized GMO strains.

A spokesman said the new measure could be adopted by the weekend, pending a favourable vote from the Commission's Standing Committee on Food and Animal Health.

Meanwhile, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) issued a statement on Tuesday (12 April) confirming that BT10 does contain an antibiotic-resistant gene.

But the report said there is little chance of the gene being transferred to people.

The Swiss agrochemicals group Syngenta, which developed BT10 as well as its authorized counterpart, BT11, is currently working on a detection method for the illicit substance.

Caroline Lucas, UK Green Party MEP and member of the Parliament's Environment Committee said the whole case, "casts serious doubt on the EU's ability to monitor GM ingredients in the food chain."

The EU imports 3.5 million tonnes/year of BT11 maize from the US. Some 1,000 tonnes of the BT10 variant is thought to have slipped into the EU since 2001.

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