Voorzichtige comeback voor het 'ja' in Frankrijk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 21 april 2005, 10:00.
Auteur: | By Elitsa Vucheva

A new poll has shown the number of those hostile to the EU Constitution has decreased slightly in France, although the no is still in the lead.

The no has fallen to 52 percent, compared to 56 percent during the last poll carried out by the same institute (CSA), the AFP reports.

This is the 20th consecutive poll in a month to show that the French may reject the Constitution during the referendum on 29 May.

However, it is the first one to show the no side dropping.

The previous poll carried out by the CSA, just after President Chirac's TV address on 14 April, had shown the no obtaining the highest percentage until now (56 percent).

Currently, the no seems to be at the same level (52 percent) as it was in March, according to AFP.

The new poll also shows that 48 per cent of those questioned would say yes if the referendum was held next Sunday, while 43 per cent would abstain.

The poll was carried out on 19 and 20 April, and 1003 people were questioned.

The Constitution has to be approved by all 25 members to come into force.

Fears have appeared that if France rejected the Treaty, other countries, such as the Netherlands, holding its referendum a few days after France, or the UK, may follow.

President Jacques Chirac himself said that a French no would block the further construction of Europe, and therefore the consequences would not be "negligible", both for the EU and for France.

Confusion in French public opinion is entangling several issues in the debates on the forthcoming referendum - among them are mistrust in national government, fear of foreign low-cost economies, and further enlargement of the EU, particularly to Turkey.

President Chirac tried to ease tensions surrounding the Constitutional debates, and to clarify the content of the Treaty, during a two-hour TV debate shown live on national television last week.

After his attempt seems to have failed, cabinet officials have confirmed they will continue campaigning in the time remaining before 29 May.

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