Europese ministers veroordelen Italië wegens niet-naleving arrest Mensenrechtenhof (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van Europa (RvE) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 februari 2006.

Strasbourg, 09.02.2006 - At its meeting held yesterday in Strasbourg, the Committee of Ministers deplored that its repeated appeals to Italy to abide by its obligation to redress the consequences of the violation of the Convention in the Dorigo case, have not yet led to a satisfactory solution.

The Committee of Ministers noted that recent attempts by the judicial authorities aiming at reopening the criminal procedure at issue to ensure respect of the Convention have not yet had the expected outcome. The Committee expressed the wish that these efforts would lead to a solution in conformity with the requirements of the Convention.

The Committee insisted on the obligation for Italy under the Convention to ensure as far as possible restitution in integrum for the applicant who is still serving a sentence given in violation of his right to a fair trial.

The Committee consequently decided to examine follow-up to this case at the next (DH) meeting of the Ministers' Deputies on the 28-29 March 2006.

Previous texts adopted by the Committee of Ministers: Resolution DH(2002)30, DH(2004)13, DH(2005)85; and by the Parliamentary Assembly: Resolution 1411(2004) and Recommendation 1684 (2004).

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Under the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Court's judgments require respondent states - under the supervision of the Committee of Ministers - to adopt, all necessary measures to grant the applicants appropriate redress and to prevent further similar violations in the future.

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