Europese Volkspartij (EVP) start met website 'Dialoog TV' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 9 februari 2009, 9:54.

EUOBSERVER / REVIEW - When the largest political party in the European Parliament launches a new site called Dialogue TV, you get your hopes up. A welcome video with the introduction "You can help shape Europe" feels progressive, interesting and brave. The site promises the visitor a chance to take part in crucial debates as well as being able to voice his opinion.

The site streams high-quality videos on selected topics from various debates in the upcoming European elections. The user can easily find links to a specific party's election manifesto. The site also hosts other relevant articles touching on subjects that not only concern Europe, but the rest of the world as well.

The website is well-designed, not looking too messy. Although, instead of providing links and redirections, the EPP could have emphasised more on gathering all the information in one place.

A big plus is the effective usage of video. Videos on websites often seem to fail, but the EPP has managed to find a wide range of political leaders who discusse the various relevant subjects in a more in-depth way.

However, the videos should be downloadable and shareable to make it possible for users to upload them on their own sites or blogs. Also, the party's manifesto could have been presented as a sharable video, instead of being a downloadable PDF.

One-way communication

Despite the name of the site, dialogue with citizens is actually reduced when the questions and comments to EPP members are only available by email. Even the comments section directs the visitor to the same type of one-way communication. If the EPP wants to live up to the expectation and the promise of letting their online visitors voice their opinions and be a part of their community, then the communication options must be more effective.

In order to create a lively and meaningful discussion, the website visitor has to be able to be a part of the promised dialogue. Users should be able to post questions and responses to the published material, and even have the option of providing links showing the standpoint or manifestos of other political parties.

The party that dares to not only be a platform for its own views, but a common ground for discussion is the party that will not only win the visitors dedication and enthusiasm, but the party that will really set the example of being able to run relevant, dialogue-based politics. That party will help shape Europe.

Score board

(Highest score possible 25)

Design: 3

Navigation: 2

Content: 4

Cool Factor: 3

Interactivity: 1

Caroline Jungsand is a project manager and digital strategist at the Prime Group in Stockholm, a Nordic region communication advising and public affairs agencies in the Nordic Region. In 2008, she was voted Rookie of the Year in the Swedish PR-industry.

This is her first in a series of reviews of campaign websites in the European Parliament election campaign to be published by the EUobserver.


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