Zweden ontmoet Spanje om over uitdagingen als EU-voorzitter te spreken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 25 september 2009.

How to act in the role as holder of the EU Presidency, what challenges the Presidency poses and parallels between leading the EU and playing football. These were some of the issues discussed by the Swedish and the Spanish ministers for EU affairs today at the Göteborg Book Fair.

”Six months in the EU driving seat” was the theme when Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Cecilia Malmström and her Spanish colleague Diego López Garrido met at the well-attended Göteborg Book Fair today to discuss the Swedish and the Spanish EU Presidencies. The subject left plenty of leeway for a great number of issues, such as the Treaty of Lisbon, the G20 i meeting in Pittsburgh and national stereotypes.

”Handling many issues at the same time, speaking on behalf of all Member States and ensuring the support of all the countries of the EU – this entails an enormous amount of invisible work on something that only requires 30 seconds to reach a decision on. So take the opportunity and get some sleep now, while you can!”, was one of Ms Malmström's concrete and practical pieces of advice to her colleague.

Mr López Garrido, who earlier in the day opened a course for Spanish teachers, emphasised that the good relations between Spain and Sweden make it easier to take over the Presidency. At the same time, he underlined the importance of having the support of both Sweden and previous Presidencies during the upcoming Spanish Presidency.

Speaking of Spain’s priorities for the Presidency, Mr López Garrido mentioned the follow-up of the Stockholm Programme and the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen, but also touched upon improved European structures for infrastructure and transport, gender equality and the fight against men’s violence against women.

As a former Real Madrid football player, he also learnt lessons from the world of football and felt sure that he will have use for both attack and defensive play in the Presidency role. While Ms Malmström drew parallels between holding the Presidency and being team captain, Mr López Garrido took the opportunity to wish Sweden good luck at half time.