Euroese Rekenkamer oordeelt positief over Leonardo da Vinci programma (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 8 oktober 2010.

"Is the design and management of the mobility scheme of the Leonardo da Vinci programme likely to lead to effective results?" asked the European Court of Auditors in a recent Special Report. The answer is: yes.

In its report the Court of Auditors comes to a positive conclusion stating that "the design and management of the mobility scheme of the Leonardo da Vinci programme could lead to effective results."

Underlining this overall conclusion the Court found, in particular, that:

  • "the Commission established an appropriate project cycle management system",
  • "the operational elements of the programme are generally well managed",
  • "controls at National Agency level complied with the Commission guidance".

On the other hand, the Court considers that there is room for improvement in the following areas:

  • IT systems and tools
  • Assessment and follow-up systems

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture has already taken action in order to remedy the weaknesses detected by the Court. Depending on their nature, some recommendations have already been implemented or are being implemented to apply to the current programme, while others will be taken on board for the next generation of the programme from 2014.

Leonardo da Vinci - a success story since 1995

The Leonardo da Vinci programme, which is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, has been a part of the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme since 2007. It promotes transnational mobility by enabling participants to gain a working or learning experience abroad. Through the programme the EU also supports innovative projects involving partners in different European countries which aim to transform vocational systems and practices, improve their quality and make them more responsive to labour market needs.

The positive conclusion of the Court's report is confirmed by the success of the programme and the satisfaction of its participants. There is increasing demand, which at present can be only partly covered: with the budget available less than 50 % of applications can be awarded a grant. More than 80 000 people, including trainees, apprentices, teachers and trainers, received financial support in 2009. Nearly 90 % of them said they were highly satisfied with the stay abroad.

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