Versimpeling is doel van hervorming EU-landbouwbeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 april 2012.

Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Mette Gjerskov will chair the council meeting

We must never forget that simplification is a principal objective when reforming the Common Agricultural Policy, underlines the Danish Chair, Mette Gjerskov, previous to the council debate 26 April on direct payments to farmers. The following day, 27 April, the Council is to debate transferable fishing concessions and regionalisation of fisheries’ management

The Danish Presidency has promised to create momentum in the negotiations of the Common Agricultural and Fisheries reforms. Intensive debates are therefore planned for the coming meeting.

The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy

"The Commission proposal for reforms of the direct payments includes various elements that are to take differences in farm sizes and production into consideration. This is important. We must, however, never forget the main target, which is a greener and more sustainable agriculture that creates new jobs," says the Danish Chair, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Mette Gjerskov, and stresses that the reform must not result in further bureaucracy.

The Council will discuss the Commission Proposal on direct payments to farmers including proposals for young farmers, small farmers, farmers in areas with natural constraints, internal redistribution, a definition of active farmers and capping of support to large farms.

The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy

At the meeting of 27 April the EU i Fisheries Ministers will debate the Commission’s proposal on transferable fisheries concessions and regionalisation of fisheries’ management.

"Transferable fisheries concessions are models for adaptation of the fishing capacity and for the fisheries management. But many Member States are concerned about compulsory transferable concessions so we will have important debates on this issue at the Council meeting. Here we will also discuss how regionalization may be put into practice. It is important in order to ensure sustainable fisheries," says Mette Gjerskov.

The meeting of the Agricultural and Fisheries Council on 26 - 27 April will take place in Luxembourg.