Fotogalerij: achter de schermen van het Deens voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 28 mei 2012.

Behind every result, decision and compromise negotiated by a Council Presidency, is hard work by many people. People that set the policy, people working out the nitty-gritty details, people that ensure that everything runs smoothly and those who digest the information and bring us the news.

Photographer Bjarke Oersted has been following the Danish Presidency since the beginning of the year, capturing some important moments, but also the work that goes on behind the scenes. Photos that describe moments, places, unexpected events, people. And dogs.

Take Fifi, a West Highland white Terrier who often follows her benefactor, Jule Helen Glaser, to work at the Danish Foreign Ministry. Jule is one of the magicians of the logistics team who make everything run like clockwork and she has found that Fifi also has a role to play at large meetings: to spread a little joy in a hectic environment. The arrival of Fifi in the press room during the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Economy and Finance in Copenhagen in March, said it all. The meeting, covered by over 250 journalists, provided news and stress in equal doses, but also a lot of waiting time. Exhibiting her own press badge, Fifi helped pass the waiting time in the press room, which is also an inevitable part of a Presidency.

Have a look at Bjarke’s behind the scenes photos of Fifi and others.