Europees Parlement houdt hoorzittingen met Maltese kandidaat-eurocommissaris Borg (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 15 november 2012.

Parliament will play a key role in evaluating Tonio Borg i before he can be appointed as the EU's new commissioner for health and consumer policies. The Maltese foreign minister was put forward for the post after his predecessor John Dalli i resigned. MEPs will examine him at length before voting on a recommendation. In this focus you will find more information about Mr Borg and how Parliament will assess his suitability.

On 13 November Mr Borg will be subjected to an intense grilling by members of the environment committee aided by their colleagues from the health and consumer protection committees. The political groups vowed to hold Mr Borg to the highest standards.