Parlement evalueert bekwaamheid kandidaat-eurocommissaris Tonio Borg (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 13 november 2012.

Tonio Borg has been put forward to replace John Dalli i as health and consumer protection commissioner, but under the treaties the Maltese foreign minister cannot be confirmed without the Parliament having been asked first. MEPs will use the opportunity to find out his views and assess his suitability before voting on a recommendation. Find out how the procedure works in our easy-to-understand infographic.

Mr Borg has already responded to some of the Parliament's questions in writing. He will be questioned by members of the environment, public health and food safety committee aided by their colleagues from the agriculture and rural development committee and the internal market and consumer protection committee during a hearing on Tuesday 13 November from 15:00 CET. The hearing will be streamed live on our website. Finally, all MEPs will have to vote on a proposal concerning his appointment during a plenary session. For a more detailed description of the assessment procedure, check out our infographic.

Assessing the suitability of future commissioners is an important part of the Parliament's supervisory powers. Commissioners are responsible for proposing new legislation in their field and ensuring its implementation in the member states, so it is vital to ensure candidates are of the right calibre. The parliamentary scrutiny is also there to enhance the transparency of the nomination process.

In 2004 the nomination of Rocco Buttiglione i for justice commissioner was redrawn after MEPs raised questions about his positions on homosexuality and women's rights. In 2010 Rumiana Jeleva i was replaced as candidate for the commissioner for international cooperation and humanitarian aid after she failed to answer questions about allegations over her financial interests during the parliamentary hearing.

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