COREPER I keurt Programma voor Werkgelegenheid en Sociale Innovatie goed (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 10 juli 2013.

Today the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER I) confirmed the final compromise text of the Regulation on the Program for Social Change and Innovation (PSCI), which was negotiated by the Council and the European Parliament. Now the Program is called „Employment and Social Innovation“(EaSI) and it should be operational from beginning of 2014.

Ambassador Arunas Vinciunas, President of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, thanked the previous Council Presidencies for their substantial work on negotiating this important Regulation. On the Council side three Presidencies have worked to negotiate this legislative act - first the Danish Presidency, then the work was continued by the Cypriot and completed by the Irish Presidency, which negotiated it with the European Parliament.

Ambassador A. Vinciunas signed the letter on behalf of the Council with the compromise text attached, which will be sent to the EMPL Committee, informing that this text is acceptable to the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Council and proposing that an agreement in first reading could be reached.

The Program is part of the package proposed in the context of the next MFF (Multiannual Financial Framework). 815 million EUR are allocated to it in the 2014-2020 MFF (2011 prices).