EP Conference of Presidents: arrangements for electing next Commission President

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 10 april 2014, 16:26.

The European Parliament Group Leaders and the President of the European Parliament, in the framework of the Conference of Presidents, met today European Council President Herman Van Rompuy to the discuss practical arrangements for electing the next President of the European Commission.

A large majority of the EP Political Group Leaders agreed that the next European Commission President must be elected from the "lead candidates" already put forward by the political groups.

The Conference of President also agreed that there will be a meeting of the Conference of Presidents on Tuesday 27 May 20141 at 11.30am to evaluate the results of the election.

In line with Declaration 11 of the Lisbon Treaty, European Parliament President Schulz will inform European Council President of this initial evaluation in the Conference of Presidents ahead of the informal meeting of Heads of State and government on the same day.

There was also a large majority of political group leaders who agree that the European Council should evaluate the European election results and consult the European Parliament political groups before coming with a proposal for a new Commission President.

Background - Lisbon Treaty provisions for electing the Commission President

For the first time, in accordance with the Lisbon Treaty, the President of the European Commission will be elected by the European Parliament.

The procedure requires the European Council to propose a candidate (by a qualified majority vote) to the European Parliament, taking account of the results of elections and after consulting its representatives.

The European Parliament then elects the Commission President by an absolute majority of its members. Should the candidate not obtain the required majority in Parliament, the Council must propose another candidate within a month.

Lisbon Treaty Declaration 11 states that consultations between the European Council and the European Parliament, taking into account the result of elections to the European Parliament, shall take place prior to the decision of the European Council to nominate a candidate.

Link to video images to the right.

REF. : 20140410IPR43256

Updated: ( 10-04-2014 - 17:04)