Giovanni Buttarelli named new data protection watchdog

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 november 2014, 13:34.

The next European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) will be Giovanni Buttarelli, Parliament's President Martin Schulz i announced in plenary on Thursday. His Assistant Supervisor will be Wojciech Rafał Wiewiórowski.

Messrs Buttarelli and Wiewiórowski were listed as Parliament's top candidates for the two posts after hearings in the Civil Liberties Committee on 20 October.

"The Civil Liberties Committee has voted for two very strong candidates for the roles of European Data Protection Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor", said Committee Chair Claude Moraes i (S&D, UK). "Mr Buttarelli brings with him a wealth of experience as the former Assistant Supervisor of the EDPS and as former Secretary General of the Italian Data Protection Authority and I am confident that he will swiftly adapt to his new role. In addition, Mr Wiewiórowski also demonstrated excellent knowledge of data protection and privacy laws in the EU in his role at the top of the Polish Data Protection Authority".

On Thursday morning Parliament's Conference of Presidents (President Schulz and leaders of the political groups) gave Parliament's green light to the two appointments.

President Schulz said: "Protection of personal data is a key fundamental right, and one which needs renewed attention in the digital age. I therefore congratulate the incoming European Data Protection Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor and pay tribute to Peter Hustinx i for more than ten years of committed service".

Parliament appoints the EDPS and the Supervisor by common accord with the Council. Negotiations between the two institutions were conducted by the Civil Liberties Committee Chair Claude Moraes. The final stage of the procedure will be the signature of the nomination decision by both Parliament and the Council in order for the new team of Supervisors to take up their functions.

REF. : 20141127IPR81016