Latvia's priority – strengthening EU’s strategic communication capacity – receives backing from European Council

Met dank overgenomen van Lets voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2015 (Lets voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 21 maart 2015.

At the European Council meeting on 19-20 March, in order to meet the challenge of Russia's ongoing disinformation campaigns, the leaders of EU Member States decided to establish a communication team for strategic communication and invited the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini i, in cooperation with Member States and EU institutions, to prepare by June an action plan on strategic communication.

Latvia believes that this decision should also include tangible support for the strengthening of the media in the region, and will consider appointing its representative to the strategic communication team.

"I am pleased that the March European Council supported one of Latvia's priorities - strengthening the EU's strategic communication capacity. At the same time, work on further reinforcement of independent and high-quality media must continue," said Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēviās.

Already at the Foreign Affairs Council on 29 January, Ministers from the EU Member States pointed to the necessity of enhancing strategic communication in backing up EU policy and considering the establishment of a special communication team for the management of these activities.

Likewise, the necessity of developing EU-NATO cooperation in the field of strategic communication was underscored by EU Ministers for Defence when they met in Riga on 19 February.

The aim of strengthening the strategic communication capacity of the European Union and its Member States is effective countering of Russia's disinformation campaigns, the strengthening of an environment conducive to the independence of the media as well as boosting people’s media literacy.