Lecture: From Wahhabism to ISIS: How did Saudi Arabia export global terrorism to Europe’s youngsters?, Amsterdam

datum 13 april 2015 20:00
plaats Amsterdam
locatie Nieuwe Achtergracht 170 Toon locatie
aanwezigen F. (Frank) Bovenkerk, P.W.H. (Paul) Aarts i e.a.
organisatie SIB-Amsterdam

As the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) demolishes nation states, ISIS’s obscene savagery seems to epitomize the violence. Some will see the group’s ferocious irredentism as proof of Islam’s chronic inability to embrace modern values. Although ISIS is an Islamic movement, it is neither typical nor mired in the distant past, because its roots are in the Salafi practice of Wahhabism, a form of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia that developed only in the 18th century. The European Parliament identified Wahhabism as the main source of global terrorism. As more youngsters in Europe find solace in Salafism and join the ranks of ISIS the question arises: How did Saudi-Arabia’s Wahhabis export global terrorism to Europe’s youngsters?

Our first speaker will be Drs. Paul Aarts. Drs. Aarts is a lecturer in International Relations at the department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. He is a specialist on the Middle East in general and the Gulf states in particular. He has researched the political dynamics of Saudi Arabia extensively.

Our second speaker will be Professor Frank Bovenkerk. Prof. Bovenkerk is a criminologist and an anthropologist, and has been given an endowed chair of FORUM Frank Buijs in Radicalization Studies at the faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. He is a specialist in issues concerning radicalizations and organized crimes within minority groups. He contributes extensively on the issue of radicalization and salafism.

Our third speaker will be Leo Kwarten. Mr. Kwarten was trained as an arabist and anthropologist at Leiden University, and frequently contributes within Dutch media on issues concerning the Middle East, Arab Culture and Islam. In 1998, he founded his own company, Leo Kwarten Middle East Consultancy. Combining his international business experience and his cultural knowledge, he regularly provides advice for various companies operating in the Middle East.

So come and join SiB-Amsterdam on the 13th of April at 20.00h in REC C1.04


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