Congratulation letter by President Donald Tusk to the Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 november 2015.

On behalf of the European Council, I wish to congratulate you on being nominated Prime Minister i of Portugal. I trust that over the next years and under your leadership, Portugal will benefit from the political stability and social cohesion that are necessary to respond to the challenges at hand, for both Portugal and the entire European Union.

One such challenge is to strengthen the economic recovery, where it is crucial that Portugal ensures sounds public finances, and continues its programme of economic reforms that aim at promoting investment and bring about growth and jobs. I trust that under you leadership Portugal will continue to contribute to the development of the European Union, the completion of monetary union and the appropriate responses to geopolitical threats.

I look forward to welcoming you at our next summit this Sunday and working closely together during your term. I would also like to warmly thank outgoing Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho i for his strong European engagement and valuable contributions to many European Council meetings.