
Report on EU-Jordan relations: stronger partnership and good track on Jordan's reform agenda

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 juni 2017.

This is the observation of the joint report released today by the European External Action Service and the European Commission on the partnership between the EU and Jordan for the period from March 2015 to April 2017. The report comes ahead of the 12th EU-Jordan Association Council, which is scheduled to take place on 10th July 2017 in Brussels.

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission, Frederica Mogherini i said: "Jordan is a key partner for the EU in the region. We share the same views on key regional issues, from MEPP to the situation in Iraq and the Syria crisis. We confirmed very clearly at the Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region in April that Jordan can count on our support to face incredibly challenging times, where it has to respond to the aspirations of Jordanian people while ensuring a safe environment for refugees. The EU will continue to stand by Jordan in implementing its ambitious political and socio-economic reform agenda, as well as to strengthen bilateral cooperation in countering terrorism and violent extremism benefiting from Jordan's stabilising/active role in the region".

EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn i commented: "the EU fully supports Jordan's efforts to promote inclusive economic growth that will guarantee prosperity over the longer-term, looking beyond the Syrian crisis, while we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the country in meeting its current challenges. This approach underpins the EU decision to make it easier for Jordan to gain access to the EU market as well as our efforts to address macro-economic imbalances, to strengthen democratic institutions and to ensure a business climate that leads to investment and job creation. We will continue to help ensure that refugees - and Jordanian host communities - have access to quality education and livelihoods."

Over the past two years, Jordan has played a unique role on the diplomatic and security front in the region, despite being severely impacted by the Syria crisis and accommodating over 650.000 registered Syrian refugees. Key reforms have been undertaken, particularly focused on the political and economic sphere. The EU has stepped up its support to the country, in line with the Partnership Priorities and Compact adopted in 2016, notably through increased cooperation assistance, political support and trade and macro-economic measures. Cooperation has been directed towards reinforcing the resilience of Jordan's people and institutions to face the current economic, social, security and migration challenges, stimulate an inclusive and dynamic economy and society, especially to foster job creation for the young people and women, and strengthen democratic governance, the rule of law and respect for human rights.


In line with the renewed European Neighbourhood Policy, the EU-Jordan Country report covers the cooperation between the EU and Jordan for the period March 2015 - April 2017. The report refers to the intensive cooperation on the multilateral, regional and bilateral fronts and various high-level meetings during that period, as well as the outcome of the Association Committee and the Subcommittees held since March 2015.

It follows the structure of the EU-Jordan Partnership Prioritiesand takes stock of the cooperation between the EU and Jordan in view of:

  • strengthening cooperation on regional stability and security including counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism;
  • improving macro-economic stability, including through macro-financial assistance;
  • enhancing EU-Jordan trade relations, including through a relaxation of rules of origin;
  • enhancing private sector development and business environment;
  • sustainably managing natural resources and fostering energy efficiency and an attenuation of the impact of climate change;
  • guaranteeing access to education for all and enhancing the quality of education and technical and vocational education and training;
  • cooperating on education, research and innovation;
  • mitigating the impact of the Syria crisis and answering the needs of the refugees and their host communities,
  • strengthening governance, the rule of law, democratic reform and the respect for human rights.

The EU cooperation assistance to Jordan, for the reporting period, exceeded €1.3 billion. This includes €200 million grants provided under the European Neighbourhood Instrument(ENI) bilateral assistance, focused on: Private Sector Development, Solid Waste management, Enhanced Democratic Governance, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency; the leveraging of €392 million investments on water and energy in 2016 alone via the Neighbourhood Investment Facility; €367 million grants to enhance the resilience of the country and to mitigate the spill-over effects of the Syria crisis (including €166 million of humanitarian assistance) and €380 million loans by means of two Macro Financial Assistance programmes.

For more information:

Full country report

EU support to Jordan

EU-Jordan partnership priorities and EU-Jordan Compact

Delegation of the European Union to Jordan



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