Letter of congratulations from President Donald Tusk to Andrej Babiš on taking office as Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 december 2017.

On behalf of the European Council, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister of the Czech Republic.

I trust that you and your government will continue to play an active and constructive role in the European Union. This is all the more important at a time when we are working hard to implement the Leaders' Agenda, which will guide the work of the European Council in the months and years to come.

I look forward to meeting you tomorrow, and to welcoming you at the European Council.

Přeji Vám mnoho úspěchů a těším se na spolupráci. (I wish you a lot of success and am looking forward to working with you).

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