MEPs to quiz Commissioner Oettinger on the appointment of Martin Selmayr

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 26 maart 2018.

The EU Commissioner in charge of Budget and Human Resources to face questions from Budgetary Control MEPs on the appointment of Martin Selmayr, on Tuesday 14:30.

The conclusions of the public hearing will contribute to a resolution to be voted on by the whole European Parliament on 19 April in Strasbourg. MEPs will discuss the draft resolution immediately after the hearing, which will build on a series of written questions to which the European Commission has replied.

When: Tuesday, 27 March, 14.30-16.00

Where: room József Antall (JAN) 6Q2 of the European Parliament in Brussels

You can follow the meeting live here.


The procedure used to appoint Mr Selmayr as the Commission’s Secretary-General from 1 March lacked integrity and transparency, said several MEPs in a 12 March plenary debate in Strasbourg.

Further to the plenary debate, Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President and political group leaders) asked the Budgetary Control Committee to draft and table a resolution, to be put to a vote at a forthcoming plenary session in Strasbourg (provisionally 19 April), together with the vote on the budgetary discharge to the European Commission.