Conference on the Future of Europe: online debate with citizens on the role of the Union in the world and migration taking place this weekend

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2021 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 26 november 2021.

The Conference on the Future of Europe continues throughout the final weekend of November, on Friday and Sunday, with a second discussion of the fourth European Citizens’ Panel focusing on the EU’s role in the world and migration management.

A total of 200 randomly selected citizens of all ages, from different socio-economic environments and from all EU member states will this time take part in an online discussion. They will touch on the strategy for the EU’s security and defence, trade policy, humanitarian aid and development cooperation, foreign policy and EU enlargement.

“The active presence and engagement of citizens on the digital platform, forums and events clearly proves that they wish to be more actively involved in the debate on the kind of Europe they want to live in in the near and distant future. The work on migration, the European way of life, protection of European trade interests, the efforts to increase the Union’s role in the near and wider neighbourhood and its stronger say in multilateral global relations are among the priorities of the Slovenian Presidency. We would like to hear what citizens have to say about these issues,” said Gašper Dovžan, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-Chair of the Executive Board of the Conference, ahead of the last session of the second round of the European Citizens’ Panel.

The plenary session at the end of this week, i.e. on Friday (17.00 - 19.30) and Sunday afternoon (16.15 - 17.30), will be broadcast live on the website (Live stream).

All EU citizens can continue to share their ideas on how to shape our common future on the multilingual digital platform (Future Europe), where more than 36,000 participants have shared over 10,000 ideas to date.

More information about the Conference on the Future of Europe.

The beginning of the third and final cycle that should re-launch with the first of four panels was scheduled for 3-5 December 2021 in Dublin, but was postponed due to health regulations.