Middelgrote lidstaten positioneren zich tegenover 'Grote Drie' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 20 februari 2004, 9:43.
Auteur: Andrew Beatty

Spain, Italy and Poland - the EU's political middleweights - have expressed reservations over a meeting of the continent's three big hitters.

A host of ministers and prime ministers have come out to express their worries about the British, French and German trilateral summit held earlier this week in Berlin.

Objections ranged from scepticism to agitation, with some opposing the meeting and others raising questions about its outcome - a proposal to create a vice-president of the Commission responsible for the EU's economic management.

Speaking in Vienna, Spanish foreign Minster Ana Palacio expressed concern about the proposal, worried that it would hamper efforts to agree on a Constitution.

"Spain is open to any proposals", said the minister, according to EFE, but only so long as they bring the EU closer to a deal on the Constitution.

Last December talks on the text broke down after a row over voting rights for Poland and Spain. So far Spain has been unbending in its demands to be treated as one of the big boys.

Her boss and Spain's premier, Jose Maria Aznar, found fault in the meeting itself, warning against erecting "artificial divisions" within the European Union.

Italy too has voiced reservations about the big three running the show.

In Athens yesterday meeting with other right-wing leaders, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi expressed his concern.

"We discussed the Berlin meeting and everyone agreed that Europe is a Europe of 25, that we cannot accept proposals made at a meeting like the one in Berlin and that we must make progress together".

"Anything which contributes to reinforcing Europe's economic capacity is very positive, but this can't be done by excluding anyone. It must be as inclusive as possible".

Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski too said that he was "sceptical" about the idea of a "European nucleus" although he added that the Berlin summit was useful for strengthening ties.

And it is not only the mid-sized countries who are opposed.

During a meeting on Thursday Swedish premier Göran Persson told his British counterpart, Tony Blair, that he did not back the idea of a super commissioner.

According to Dagens Nyheter Mr Persson said: "For me, someone who believes in international cooperation and is against a federal Europe, this is of enormous importance".

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