Frans-Duits onderonsje om topfuncties in uitgebreide Unie onderling te verdelen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 14 mei 2004, 9:28.
Auteur: Honor Mahony

France and Germany are to work together to secure two top jobs in the EU, it emerged after a meeting in Paris on Thursday (13 May).

According to FT Deutschland, Paris will support Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's attempts to have a German as vice-president of the European Commission.

If things run according to plans by France, Germany and the UK, the vice-president of the commission would be a key person in charge of competitiveness and industry in the EU.

In return, President Jacques Chirac would be sure of having Germany's support for the extension of the Frenchman Pierre de Boissieu's time as deputy secretary general of the Council.

However, it will not be completely up to Paris and Berlin who sits where. It is up to the future Commission President to decide both who should be vice-president of the Commission and what exactly their job will be.

Mr Schröder and Mr Chirac also reaffirmed their intention to try keep the Franco-German motor going for economic initiatives in Europe.

However, their support for a harmonisation of corporate taxes has already ruffled a few feathers - particularly in the new member states.

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