Comité van de Regio's geeft bijdrage voor reflectieperiode Europese Grondwet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 19 oktober 2005, 15:04.

Brussels, 19 October 2005

CoR opinion on Period of reflection welcomed by Jo Leinen

Following a request from the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions has issued an opinion on The reflection period: structure, themes and framework for an evaluation of the debate on the European Union and is the first institution to express its views on the subject. Drawn up by Franz Schausberger (AT/EPP) and Lord Tope (UK/ALDE), the opinion was unanimously adopted at the plenary session on Thursday 13 October.

According to MEP Jo Leinen (PES/DE), chairman of the EP Committee on Constitutional Affairs, who attended the debate: the crisis goes deeper than the mere rejection of a text but involves a loss of direction. It is a crisis of confidence and meaning. The public does not see our attempts to resolve problems. The rejection of the treaty in France and the Netherlands could easily have happened elsewhere. The CoR's role is important in this respect, as the process of reflection must take place from the bottom up. Fourteen countries have said "yes". More citizens have said "yes" than "no". Those "yes" votes are equally valid. The aim is to give the treaty a second chance. The opinion by Mr Schausberger and Lord Tope is a very positive step in this direction. It does not give up but shows the way forward. It attempts to find solutions to overcome the current crisis. The CoR opinion will form the basis of the report that we will submit to the European Parliament in December.

Michel Delebarre, Chairman of the Committee of the Regions' PES Group, emphasised that the period of reflection had to be an active and dynamic phase of European dialogue with the public: local and regional assemblies and executive bodies must be involved in the debate on the EU's future. All EU institutions must be involved in a common strategy in which the European Parliament takes the initiative in relaunching European dialogue, with the CoR as its natural ally, Mr Delebarre added. Isidoro Gottardo (EPP/IT) also stressed the complementarity between the EP's leadership role and the conduit role of the Committee of the Regions.

Speaking on behalf of the ALDE group, Alexander Slafkovsky (SK) expressed his disappointment that the new Member States had received this negative signal. If we do not meet public expectations, disillusionment will increase even further, he warned.

British member Keith Brown, Chairman of the EA Group of the Committee of the Regions, believed it important to highlight two particular concepts in the debate on the future of Europe: relevance and control. The people of Europe must have the feeling that they are in control, and the EU must intervene advisedly.

For further information, please contact:
Estelle Poidevin
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Dennis Abbott
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