Commissaris Hübner bezoekt Marche (Italië): Van historische plaatsen tot onderzoekscentra, samenhang investeert in succes (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 24 oktober 2008.

Danuta Hübner, the European Commissioner for regional policy, visits the Marche region in eastern Italy today to see the results of Cohesion Policy investment on the ground. EU co-funding for projects is a catalyst for innovation, competitiveness and jobs. During her visit, Commissioner Hübner will hold talks with Gian Mario Spacca, President of the Region, members of regional authorities and economic and social partners, reiterating the need to channel new EU investments for 2007-2013 towards research and development.

Speaking ahead of her visit, Commissioner Hübner said: “Europe's Cohesion Policy provides a rock of stability for Member States and regions at a time of global financial crisis. The EU has invested strongly throughout the Marche region - modernising harbours, renovating historic buildings and helping to build state-of-the-art research centres, to name but a few areas. Cohesion Policy has a clear impact on the economy and benefits citizens in their day-to-day life. We want to build on what we've achieved so far, with investments that focus on areas that will deliver more growth and jobs: in innovation, the knowledge economy, information society, renewable energies and energy efficiency."

The new programme for 2007-2013

The overall objective of the Marche programme is to boost the competitiveness of the regional economy. In total, the region will benefit from €426.5 million in support from the European Union: this includes €113 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), €111.5 million from the European Social Fund (ESF) and €202 million from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The region's priorities are focused on research, innovation, sustainable development and the efficient use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in local businesses. As well as targeting the creation of 1500 new jobs (with a 20% increase in research and development jobs), Marche is aiming to decrease both greenhouse gas emissions (by 5% before 2013) and local air pollution levels (MEMO/08/338).

Commissioner to receive honorary degree for commitment to integration

Commissioner Hübner will start her visit in the town of Camerino in the province of Macerata. This important centre for culture and art was one of the areas most severely affected by the earthquakes which struck Italy in 1997. The Commissioner will see the renovation work carried out in the churches of St Filippo and St Domenico, with support from the ERDF. In the Palazzo Ducale, the seat of the University of Camerino, she will be granted the title of Laurea Honoris Causa in political sciences for commitment to European integration by the Rector, Fulvio Esposito.

In the city of Ancona, she will meet the President of the Region, Gian Mario Spacca, and will visit the harbour area. This has been refitted, providing a boost for the local fishing fleet, which remains an important activity in the local economy. The port is also a major departure point for trans-Adriatic ferries and a dedicated area for boat repairs has also been developed. (EU contribution: €2.07 million)

Support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is a priority for the region. Commissioner Hübner will visit “Meccano”, a research centre in the town of Jesi, which helps to promote the development of regional firms specialised in electro-mechanics. Its laboratory is housed in a new purpose-built site, co-financed by the European Union (EU contribution of €3.02 million). In the same town, she will also see the 'multimodal platform' - crucial for the development of the regional transport system and the economic development of the region as a whole. Together with the Ancona harbour and the airport at Falconara, it forms a logistic hub for traffic between the region and the centre of Italy on one hand, and the Balkans and Adriatic sea on the other (EU contribution: €850.500)

Note for editors

In 2000-2006, the Marche region received €130.7 million in support from the ERDF. During this period, an estimated 1400 new jobs were created.

Italy is the third largest beneficiary of the EU’s Cohesion Policy behind Poland and Spain. Over the 2007-2013 Cohesion Policy programme, the country will receive a total of €28.8 billion of support.

More information on regional policy in Italy: