Het Poolse voorzitterschap wil economische en sociale cohesie tussen EU-lidstaten bevorderen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 juli 2011.

On 13 July 2011, at the plenary session of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Waldemar Pawlak, Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Jerzy Buzek i, President of the European Parliament, debated with EESC members on ways of achieving a sustainable Europe. The debate was also an opportunity for a thorough discussion with Mr Pawlak on the priorities of the Polish presidency.

The debate was opened by Staffan Nilsson, EESC president, who assured Mr Pawlak of the Committee's readiness and willingness to help the Presidency to respond to the needs of citizens, particularly in the economic and social fields. He stressed that besides achieving its ambitious program, the Polish Presidency has to take up the challenge of finding solutions to the current crisis.

In his speech, Mr Buzek, in underlining the necessary and close relationship between the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee, insisted on the importance of solidarity, a value that will be crucial "to create a Europe in which our children and our grandchildren will love to live". He underlined the fundamental importance of improving European economic governance, to give real application to the concept of 'economic solidarity' formulated in the Lisbon Treaty. In this context he said the Stability and Growth Pact should be reinforced by automatic sanctions against countries in breach of deficit and debt caps.

Referring to the current sovereign debt woes in Europe, Mr Pawlak insisted on the need for Europe to have its own "transparent, accountable and responsible" rating agency. He went on to present the Polish Presidency's priorities: a sustainable, open, safer and better integrated Europe. He stressed that the Presidency would seek progress in the integration process, especially regarding Croatia’s accession, and would also seek closer cooperation with neighbouring states. At the same time the Presidency will strive to remove the remaining barriers between Member States and open up to other countries.

In the ensuing debate, Mr Georgeos Dassis (President of the Workers' Group, Greece) voiced his support for the Presidency in reviving solidarity between Member States. "Fight against rampant xenophobia, racism and populism goes through the construction of a more cohesive Europe", he added. Mr Luca Jahier (President of the Various Interests' Group, Italy) said he counted on the Presidency to bring enthusiasm and passion into the European project. Speaking in flawless Polish, Mr Henri Malosse (President of the Employers' Group, France) stressed that Europe should address citizens' needs through concrete actions, such as building better links between education systems and enterprises, improving European mobility and through creating European Universities.

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