Nieuwe overeenkomst over samenwerking tussen Europese Commissie en NASA (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Ondernemingen en industrie (ENTR) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 februari 2012.

The European Commission and NASA have agreed a document entitled "Principles of cooperation of NASA personnel with projects funded by the EU's Framework Programs in the area of Space Research"

The document identifies a simple working solution, within existing rules, that would allow for NASA personnel to collaborate with European colleagues in space research projects funded under the EU Framework Programme.

This would be done via bilateral agreements that NASA would enter into with one of the members of the research consortium. Under this formulation, NASA would sign neither the Grant Agreement, nor the Consortium Agreement, and would review proposed bilateral agreements using its established rules.

When NASA participates, it would be under the principle of "no-exchange of funds", i.e. NASA would not charge any expenditure to the project.

In all instances, participation by NASA personnel in projects funded by the EU Framework Programmes would be reviewed by both sides on a case by case basis, following established review procedures.

The text of the "Principles of cooperation of NASA personnel with projects funded by the EU's Framework Programs in the area of Space Research" can be found in the document below.