TEN-T EA verzoekt om reacties van onafhankelijke experts (en)
The Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA), which will become INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) in 2014, invites independent experts in the respective fields to support the selection of the best proposals submitted under TEN-T calls for proposals as well as under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) calls for proposals from 2014 onwards.
Independent experts for the external evaluations will be selected via the Participant Portal set up by the European Commission. A new call for expression of interest for individual experts was recently published in the Official Journal of the EU (OJ C342 of 22 November 2013) in view of the implementation of programmes under the new 2014-2020 financial framework.
If you are interested in becoming an expert, we invite you to register your profile in the Participant Portal in order to be included in the database of experts: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/experts/index.html
Please note that being registered in the EMM database does not entitle you automatically to a registration in the Participant Portal. If you have already registered to the Participant Portal, you are encouraged to keep your CV updated so that your profile can be used suitably.
Independent experts will be chosen on the basis of skills, experience and knowledge appropriate to carry out the tasks assigned to them. In this respect, the Agency will search the database to identify and select suitable experts using keywords related to their expertise. Therefore, all sections of the profile should be duly updated and completed. Areas of expertise and professional experience should be adequately detailed and documented.
Interested experts are encouraged to include the fields from the list below as well as their associated keywords which are relevant to their area of expertise:
-European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS)
-Motorways of the Sea (MoS)
-Air Traffic Management (ATM)
-Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
-River Information Services (RIS)
-Infrastructure: rail, road, inland waterways, ports, multimodality, airports...
-Public Private Partnerships (PPP)
Expertise will also be required on cross cutting issues such as:
-Programme monitoring and evaluation
Should you have relevant expertise in energy and/or ICT fields, which are also covered by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), you are strongly encouraged to reflect these fields in your CV.
Prospective independent experts should also have appropriate language skills for the tasks to be carried out and identify these skills in their profile.
OJ publication references
For individual experts: