European Commission Presidency candidates go head-to-head in live televised debate

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 23 april 2014.

​Next month 400 million voters in 28 European countries will have the chance to say who they believe should be the next President of the European Commission. For the first time in European history the debate will be televised live on 15 May by EUROVISION where voters will be given the chance to ask questions to the five candidates seeking the EU’s top job.

For 90 minutes, Martin Schulz i, the President of the European Parliament representing the Socialists and Democrats, Jean-Claude Juncker i of the European Peoples’ Party, Guy Verhofstadt i of the Liberals and Democrats, Ska Keller of the European Greens and Alexis Tsipras of the European Left will face questions from Italy's award-winning RAI anchor Monica Maggioni. Voters will help shape the show and the agenda by putting questions and comments to the panel via social media.

David Cameron i, the UK's Prime Minister, together with the 27 other EU leaders will propose one question to the European Parliament's candidates for President of the European Commission.

Tune in live on Thursday 15th May at 8pm (GMT)

The participating broadcasters will be: 2DF, ARD, Arte, BBC, DW, France Télévision, ORF, Rai, RTE, RTP, Rtbf, tve, and TVR.

More information about the debate can be found on the EUROVISION website.