Preview of the Plenary of the European Economic and Social Committee

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 29 juni 2015.

On Wednesday 1st July at 2.45 p.m., the first day of the Luxembourg Presidency, Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy of Luxembourg will present the work programme of the Luxembourg Presidency to the Plenary of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

At 4.30 p.m., Phil Hogan i, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development will be speaking on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy which will be followed by a debate and vote on the EESC Opinion on this issue.

At 6 p.m., the EESC will welcome Mrs Zanda KALNIŅA-LUKAŠEVICA, Parliamentary State Secretary for the European Affairs of Latvia to draw conclusions from the Latvian Presidency.

On Thursday 2nd July, at 9 a.m., the EESC will debate the issue of climate change with Miguel Arias Cañete i, Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action.

Watch the plenary session here - The full agenda is available here

Some of the opinions to be put to the vote during the plenary session:

  • Sport and European Values (rapporteur: Mr Hernández Bataller) More

Sport helps meet the EU’s strategic objectives, brings to the fore key educational and cultural values and is a conduit of integration, regardless of their gender, ethnic origin, religion, age, nationality, social situation or sexual orientation. The opinion explores how sport can strengthen European values such as mutual respect, social integration and equality between men and women.

  • The Energy Union strategic framework (rapporteur: Ms Sirkeinen, co-rapporteur Mr Coulon) More

The EESC endorses the proposal for the Energy Union and considers its implementation urgent. However, a clearer message - a leading vision - on what European citizens and enterprises will gain from the Energy Union is needed for this initiative to succeed. The most urgent priority, notwithstanding the importance of security of supply and sustainability, should be action on increased energy costs.

  • Smart cities as drivers for development of a new European industrial policy (rapporteur: Ms Rondinelli) More

The EESC considers that smart cities can become drivers for development of a new European industrial policy that can influence the development of specific productive sectors, extending the benefits of the digital economy onto a large scale. The EESC is proposing that the other European institutions and the national governments couple the concept of "smartness" with a sustainable, integrated development model.

  • TTIP and its impact on SMEs (rapporteur Butaud-Stubbs, co-rapporteur: Gkofas Panagiotis) More

This own initiative opinion focuses on the impact of the TTIP on SMEs and reflects on how to evaluate the impact on TTIP on both exporting and non-exporting EU companies. It also reflects on how to better take into account the interests of the SMEs in the future agreement in order to foster their internationalization.

  • Towards a new European neighbourhood policy (rapporteur Gintaras Morkis, co-rapporteur: Cristian Pîrvulescu) More

The EESC urges for a greater involvement of civil society in EU relations with neighboring countries. The new ENP should focus on activities that strive to increase human security and the stability of the EU’s neighbourhood, as well as activities which create better economic and social conditions - and prosperity - in the ENP partner states.

  • Financing for Development - the position of civil society (rapporteur: Ivan Voleš) More

This opinion presents the position, proposals and recommendations from the civil society represented in the EESC in order to bring improvements into the financing to development, including the role played by the private sector.

  • Capital Markets Union (rapporteur Juan Mendoza Castro, co-rapporteur: Milena Angelova) More

The Capital Markets Union (CMU) aims to break down the barriers that are blocking cross-border investments in the EU and preventing businesses from getting access to finance.

  • The Paris Protocol - A blueprint for tackling global climate change beyond 2020 (rapporteur Ribbe Lutz) More

The EESC supports the adoption of a legally binding agreement in Paris and strongly supports the EU's negotiating position. The Committee believes that the EU can play a leading role by demonstrating that climate policy and positive economic development go hand in hand. A key point from the EESC’s perspective is the role of civil society in this process.

For more information, please contact:

Chloé LAHOUSSE, EESC Press Unit


Tel: + 32 2 546 8893 / +32 473 86 70 00